Sunday, August 08, 2010

Sailing at Mission Bay, San Diego

Gordon and his nephews waiting and ready to go sailing

kerie and Gordaon and the rest of the family, Richard, Stew, Erick and Andrew walking in front of them.

Our sail boat. It was bigger than what I imagine.

Only five of us went sailing. Richard, Gordon, Erik, Andrew and I in the sailboat ready to go. Richard invited us and is the expert in sailing. He enjoys sailing and was ready to teach us.

Erika and Andrew inside the sailboat

Inside the sailboat was a table a little kitchen a bathroom and a bed for about two to three people to sleep
I think Andre likes it in here:-)

Me inside the sailboat

Richard, Gordon, Erik and Andrew


Richard, Gordon and Erik

Erik and Andrew enjoying the ride

Andrew at the tip of the sailboat

Getting back and getting closer to the deck. Had a great time sailing!