Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Sabbath Morning at the Escondido Church and Afternoon at Del-Mar Beach

This Sabbath we went to the Escondido SDA church for Sabbath School and Church service. The sabbath school we went to was very good. It was their last sabbath of a book on the topic of health they have been studying for a few months so they had some doctors as special guess there. At the end of the sabbath school many of them welcomed us personally and invited us to continue to come.
Church was good too. There was great praise music, kids from the San Diego Academy giving their testimonials on their mission trip to Mexico a couple of weeks ago and others reporting in their participation of their 30 Hour Famine they did a month ago. But the best part of the service was the recitation by memory of the whole book of Ephesians by Gayla Powers(one of the member of the Escondido church). That was very impressive! She has a well developed gift of memorisation and she is using it well for the Lord.

After church service Jason and Heidi invited us to go with them to their favorite Mexican restaurant in town. At the restaurant we met more people form the Escondido church that came too. (Sorry, no picture of our lunch goup, I left my camara in the car) The food was good and the company was even better:-)

The day was sunny and warm so after our great long lunch with our new friends we decided to head for the beach. But when we got to Del-Mar the cost was not sunny. It was overcast and cool but it was not windy. Well, that's the cost for you! We found a place to open our chairs and sat there at the beach and read. We had some very relaxing two+ hours there.

The tide was getting high and the ocean water was getting too close to us so we move south to a different area of the beach. Here we were not close to the water and there were trees and wild flowers covering areas of the sand.

Beutiful flowers covering parts of the sand

We found and interesting tree there. Here I am trying to climb it.

It was not hard to climb this three at all. It has a lot of low branches.