Monday, May 07, 2007

BBQ at Matt and Heidi's Place

Our Friends Matt and Heidi Aimonetti invited us to a Sabbath afternoon BBQ at their Place. Jason and Heidi Decena and their little boy Luke also came. Jason is the youth pastor at the Escondido church. (There are two Heidis. One is Heidi Aimonetti and the other is Heidi Decena).

Matt is from France and Heidi is from Bolivia and raised in the USA, but Heidi has adopted the French culture very well. They had recently moved here from France in December. They tell us that in the French culture friends often get together for BBQs. Matt had a lot sweet treats from France to share with us.

The pictures is after we stuffed ourselves and came inside and hang out until late.

Thanks guys, we had a fun Sabbath afternoon with you:-) When will we do it again?